Windscale sellafield

About Windscale sellafield. Author: wieczorek. Date:April 05, 2010, 17:16.

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On 10 October 1957, the graphite core of a British nuclear reactor at Windscale, Cumberland (now Sellafield, Cumbria) caught fire, releasing substantial amounts of radioactive. Sellafield (formerly known as Windscale) is a nuclear processing and former electricity generating site, close to the village of Seascale. Lakestay-sellafield Windscale 1957. THE 1957 WINDSCALE FIRE *News media - Feel free to reproduce this content but please credit The Windscale Piles. Following the decision for the UK to develop its own nuclear weapons, Sellafield was chosen as the location of the plutonium production plant. Sellafield is a village near the coast of the Irish Sea in Cumbria, England, close to the village and railway station of Seascale. Sellafield is also the name of a nearby site owned. The WAGR golfball is, along with the Pile chimneys, one of the iconic buildings on the Windscale site (Windscale being an independent site within the Sellafield complex). A network of individuals, independent and alternative media activists and organisations, offering grassroots, non-corporate, non-commercial coverage of important social and. Comedian Lenny Henry, impersonating newscaster Trevor McDonald, once reported that "Windscale is to be renamed Sellafield, because it sounds nicer. Sellafield's liabilities have been separated from the operations of the site as the government prepares for a sell-off. You learn more from failure than you can from success. But this lessons are deadly serious. Read them, enjoy them and learn from them. Lakestay-sellafield Windscale 1957. Feel free to reproduce this content but please credit In October 1957 Britain spread a plume of radioactive contamination into the. By Alan Irving . Last updated at 16:51, Wednesday, 22 September 2010. SELLAFIELD’S Windscale site, where one of the reactors producing plutonium for the atomic bomb caught fire in. info on Windscale: Windscale is situated on the Sellafield site, Cumbria, although it has its own site license. Windscale./ Sellafield have been about as dirty as it gets due to the pressure to. Almost no lives at.

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